Sunday, September 13, 2015

What is Feldenkrais ?

Moshe Feldenkrais was an Israeli physicist and the founder of the Feldenkrais method, designed to improve human functioning by increasing self-awareness through movement.
Feldenkrais refused to undergo a surgery after long sustaining a knee injury. He was then prompted into innate self observation thereby increasing awareness and finally resulting into self rehabilitation. Later he started sharing this discovery with others through lectures and experimental classes.

Feldenkrais Method is a creative systematic approach to engage with your own somatic (bodily) experience to become aware of what you do and how you do it.
It makes you aware of the numerous possibilities of your body.

How Feldenkrais technique works for me?

Feldenkrais technique helps understand where and how a movement generates in a body. where does it start, where does it end, how does it translate from one part of the body to to other, how does it affect your body as a whole. Surprisingly, we never observe and we dont really know the origin or the end point of a smallest movement in our body.
It helps you observe a movement deeply and carefully in a completely relaxed state, heightening the senses and thereby bringing many realisations through awareness . These realisations, make you understand your body better and help make the movements far more efficient and effortless.

The technique also helps us improve our unconscious, inefficient and frequently painful movement habits to new patterns of ease,comfort and efficiency.
Moreover it teaches you to be a non judgmental observer of your own body.

And once you start applying these observations and realisations in your daily life /in any kind of movement based practice, you start feeling the difference.

I feel, I am much more relaxed , focused , energetic, aligned and aware after a Feldenkrais class. which makes it a perfect preparation for my mind and body to start with a much complex practice of an Indian classical dance style like Odissi.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Something I read today and wanted to remind myself about this again and again whenever needed..

What Enhances Your Beauty?

When your mind is not complaining, responsible, courageous, confident and hollow and empty, you are inexplicably beautiful. A person who cannot correct or act has no right to complain. And when a person can correct or act, he will never complain. Complaining is a sign of weakness. Complaining is the nature of utter ignorance where one does not know the Self. Complaint takes away the Beauty that is inborn in you. And it shows up more on the one who is on this path. Worldly mind is a complaining mind; Divine mind is a dancing mind. Just complaining without indicating the solution is irresponsibility. When the solutions are not workable, finding alternative solutions is Courage. For external beauty, you put on things; for real Beauty, you have to drop all the things. For external beauty you have to have Make-up; for your real Beauty you only have to realise that you are MADE-UP!

Courtesy : The Art of Living